Under the Hood with HTML

Module 1 Introduction
Unit 1 How to Work Through The Course  
Unit 2 Tools and Resources  
Unit 3 What is HTML?  
Module 2 HTML Basics
Unit 1 HTML Page Structure  
Unit 2 Header Tags  
Unit 3 Paragraph and Line Breaks Tags  
Unit 4 PRE Tags  
Unit 5 Blockquote Tags  
Unit 6 Links Tags  
Unit 7 Image Tags  
Unit 8 Ordered and Unordered Lists  
Unit 9 HTML Tables  
Unit 10 Advanced Tables  
Module 3 HTML and CSS
Unit 1 What is CSS  
Unit 2 Using CSS with HTML  
Module 4 Bootstrap Basics
Unit 1 Introduction to Bootstrap CSS Framework  
Unit 2 Installing Bootstrap  
Unit 3 Bootstrap Tables  
Unit 4 Bootstrap Navbars  
Unit 5 Bootstrap Cards  
Unit 6 Bootstrap Jumbotron  
Module 5 Course Wrap-up
Unit 1 Conclusion  
Unit 2 Next Steps  
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